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Ecological Exploration

African sacred ibis (introduced species)

African sacred ibis (introduced species)

Birds | Threskiornithidae
Threskiornis aethiopicus


The African sacred ibis is white and has a long downward curving black bill. These birds are originally African species, but their population has spread to coastal wetlands in western Taiwan and has been reported to have apparent reproductive aggregations. Ham-bow Wetland in the Changhua County has become the species’ largest habitat in central Taiwan.
Habits: The African sacred ibis is often seen in flocks, foraging on fish, shrimp, insects, and frogs.
Introduced; Body length: 89 cm
Birdwatching period: year round


The African sacred ibis appears in mudflats, estuaries, wetlands, paddy fields, and grass marshes.


  • (圖書) 吳自強、黃淑華、羅美玉,高美濕地飛羽,台中,2014。